delivery from the market
Gomez BBQ, Mile Square Coffee, Circle City Soups, Circle City Sweets, PROX Salads, and more of your favorite City Market food vendors are preparing a weekly delivery service for Indianapolis neighborhoods. This is a pilot program that we are developing right now and would like to expand to more neighborhoods and more delivery days in the near future. Please note that the delivery options and menu are subject to change.
Orders must be placed by 12 PM on the day of your neighborhood’s delivery. When placing your order, please select your neighborhood in the “Shipping Options” section.
Deliveries to each neighborhood (see map) will begin at 4:30 PM on the weekdays listed below:
Monday: Broad Ripple / Meridian Kessler (Pink)
Tuesday: Downtown / Irvington (Gray)
Wednesday: Meridian Hills / Williams Creek (Blue)
Thursday: Market Wagon Delivery
Friday: Fletcher Place / Garfield Park (Green)